Posted: 4 June 2024

Xecs, a Eureka Cluster specifically designed to accelerate the pace of sustainable industrial innovation in the electronics components and systems community is launching its fourth call for projects.

This call is open to SMEs, large companies, research technology organisations and universities collaborating internationally. By applying and participating, your organisation can access national public funding for your R&D project. Countries with funding include South Africa.

Electronic components and systems, and micro- and nanoelectronics-based systems and applications are now the cornerstones of economic and societal development. Xecs is focused on sustainable digital transformation. Guided by the ECS Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda prepared by experts from three industry associations AENEAS, EPoSS and Inside, Xecs’ calls for projects address the full electronics components and systems value chain and benefit from the wide dynamic innovation ecosystem stimulated by these industry associations.

You can submit your R&D project application between 4 June 2024 and 23 January 2025 in the dedicated Xecs Project Zone.

➔ View all the information regarding the call.


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