Kenya Innovation Week (Virtual Event)

About this Event: Presentation Format  | Private (Invitation Only) Date: 08 December 2021 Time: 14:00pm to  15:00pm 1 hour session, with 3 short 15 minutes presentations on: Presentation of the Eureka Network, history, numbers and current status Presentation of the globalstars programme with past success cases and best practices Presentation of the best practices of […]

Join us at the Online Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call 2022 Brokerage event!

This event will be a stepping stone to jump-start the preparations for your Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call 2022 project proposal! We are pleased to invite you to the Online Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call 2022 Brokerage event on 23 March 2022. This event will support you to create your project and build your consortium. WHY PARTICIPATE? […]

EUREKA Sustainability Call 2022 – South Africa National Webinar

ESASTAP is pleased to invite you to the South African information webinar regarding the Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call 2022 on Monday 11 April at 11:00-12:00 CEST. During this webinar you will be able to learn more about the national priorities, eligibility criteria and funding outlook for this Call. If you wish to participate in this […]

Imagining a new scientific partnership between Africa and Europe

As part of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union (FPEU), the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) and the Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) are organising an event entitled “Imagining a new scientific partnership between Africa and Europe” on 29 June 2022 in Brussels. This event is in […]

Registration open: Let’s connect science with society at ESOF2022!

  Get your early-bird ticket right away! Sign up now! We are happy and proud to invite you to the 10th edition of Europe’s largest interdisciplinary science conference. ESOF 2022 will be held from 13-16 July 2022 in Leiden, the Netherlands and will be the highlight within a 365-day public science programme, organized by Leiden as European City […]

General Information Webinar: Biodiversa+ BiodivMon Call for Research Proposals

  Biodiversa+ - the European Biodiversity Partnership announced its BiodivMon Call for Transnational Research Proposals on “Improved transnational monitoring of  biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society”. This call aims to support transnational research projects (3-years duration) addressing one or more  of the three (non-exclusive) themes below: THEME 1 – Innovation and harmonization of methods […]

ESASTAP Information Sharing Session

The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), through the European South African Science and Technology Advancement Programme (ESASTAP), will host a series of information sessions aimed at disseminating information as well as orientating researchers and innovators on the opportunities available between South Africa and the European Union.  The first of these sessions was held on […]

Mark your agenda! Water Knowledge Europe 2022 comes back on October 17-19

While you enjoy your summer holiday, we want to make sure you won’t skip our key event in your agenda. Save the date for Water Knowledge Europe 2022, coming back to Brussels on October 17-19. The event will guide you through the Horizon Europe (HEU) Work Programmes 2023-2024 and reveal you all the exclusive insights […]

WEBINAR : Horizon Europe – Opportunities for Sub-Saharan African countries

EURAXESS Africa & EU delegation to AU are hosting a Webinar on HoriZon Europe Opportunities for Sub-Saharan Africa. Event Introduction The role of research and innovation activities and policy is becoming increasingly central and urgent in facing Africa and Europe’s shared challenges: the need to promote sustainable growth and jobs, green transition, digital transformation, mobility, […]

Save The Date: International Bioeconomy Forum 2022 (5 to 6 December 2022)

The IBF was launched in 2017 and comprises of representatives from the IBF member countries and observers (for more about the IBF, please visit the following website: The Forum is aimed at providing a flexible multilateral mechanism for global partners to deliberate on common thematic challenges pertaining to research and innovation and policy alignment related […]