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Biodiversa+ – the European Biodiversity Partnership announced its BiodivMon Call for Transnational Research Proposals on “Improved transnational monitoring of  biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society”.

This call aims to support transnational research projects (3-years duration) addressing one or more  of the three (non-exclusive) themes below:

  • THEME 1 – Innovation and harmonization of methods and tools for collection and  management of biodiversity monitoring data
  • THEME 2 – Addressing knowledge gaps on biodiversity status, dynamics, and trends to  reverse biodiversity loss
  • THEME 3 – Making use of available biodiversity monitoring data

Projects combining aspects from several themes are encouraged. The projects funded by this call  should allow us to better characterize, understand and report on the state and trends of biodiversity. The call covers all environments, i.e. terrestrial, freshwater and marine in Europe and beyond.

Register here and attend the General Information Webinar organised on 20 September 2022 at 3:00 pm CET.


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