Bilateral Cooperation Agreements in Africa

  • Science and Technology (S&T) Agreement signed in 1998.
  • Programme of Cooperation (POC) signed in 2003. DSI for cooperation in research and development in the field of nuclear sciences, techniques and applications for peaceful purposes in October 2003.
  • Areas of interest: Neutron Sciences and Nuclear Reactor; Research, Development and Production of Radio-isotope; Particle accelerator and utilization; Research Nuclear reactors: Exploitation and Utilisation; Satellite Technology; Laser Technology; Biotechnology; Information Technology; Agricultural research; Desertification and water management; Poverty alleviation; Micro-satellites; Mineral beneficiation; Scientific Cooperation between Universities and research Institutes.
  • Agreement signed on 14 April 2008.
  • S&T Agreement signed in August 2005.
  • Areas of interest: SKA; Molecular biology; Accreditation of laboratories; Assisted reproduction -(farm animals); Refining analytical systems – Drought resistant crops (production); Mechanization on small scale development of indigenous crops; Satellite imagery; GMOs; Transition to business orientation; Technological Transfer Strategies- drought mitigation; Strategies- rehabilitation degraded lands; Efficient irrigation; Water recycling; Food safety in rural areas; Agro processing; Indigenous knowledge systems; Management of trans boundary diseases; Information exchange -soils, climate and conservation agriculture; International Conventions (develop mutual position of interest on bilateral relations); Trilateral Karoo basin geological survey project involving Namibia.
  • S&T Agreement signed in August 1997.
  • Areas of interest: Biotechnology in food production, agriculture and health; Development of new materials and manufacturing; Information technology and systems and information society; Sustainable management of environmental issues of natural resources through environment-friendly technologies.
  • Draft agreement forwarded to Ethiopia in September 2004 for comment. The document is now ready for signature.
  • Areas of interest: ICT; Non-destructive facility (linkage with NECSA or CSIR); Innovation Hub; Knowledge sharing and research; Irrigation equipment testing; Water harvesting technologies; Climate monitoring (Risk management); Capacity building; Animal Health research; Biotechnology; Transfer of technology to produce leather product; Exchange knowledge on Geological mapping standards; Intellectual property rights on indigenous plants; Nutrition research; Agricultural research.
  • Agreement signed in August 2004.
  • POC is being finalised.
  • Areas of interest: Square Kilometer Array (SKA); Technology for competitiveness; Nuclear energy; Satellite technology; Human Health research-HIV/AIDS; Cancer research; Agricultural research -vet, biotechnology, domestic animal and wildlife animal health; Social science; Governance and institution Building; Technology for Development -IKS, Technology incubators, Technology transfer programmes, ICT; Multilateral cooperation; Building technologies; Laser technology; SA-Kenya Rountable S&T partnerships in Infrastructure – Building &Construction, Transport, Energy, Water &Sanitation, ICT.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 6 June 2005.
  • Areas of interest: Technology Business Incubation of the Small Scale and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs); Development of a National Science Center for promotion of Public Understanding of Science, Engineering and Technology (PUSET); Biotechnology for health and food security; Indigenous Knowledge Systems and good practices in advocacy to promote indigenous technological capability; SKA; Tissue culture to improve potato seed and other local crops.
  • Agreement signed on 13 August 2007.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 10 July 2006.
  • Areas of interest: Project of interest is scientific exploration into the secrets of the Archives of Timbuktu. Capacity building initiatives could include researcher exchange programmes aimed at staff capacity building, student training, including sandwich programmes (joint supervision short student visits as part of post-graduate studies). Specific areas of research interest include: Research in traditional medicine and IKS; Plant biotechnology, Biosciences, biology and health related issues (malaria, HIV/AIDS vaccine research; Agricultural research; Strengthening of relations between Central Veterinary Laboratory and Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute (OVI) and the Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP) Veterinary research; Soil science and soil erosion; Land use management. Research and technology management issues could include technology transfer including research and development of low cost equipment; management of the S&T system; S&T policy formulation; Nepad Innovation Fund including IPR management; Nepad Venture Capital Fund.
  • Agreement signed in May 1998.
  • Areas of interest for DSI: Nuclear technology; Biotechnology; Laser technology; Information and communication technology, geosciences; and Minerals research.
  • S&T Agreement signed in July 2006.
  • Areas of interest: SKA; S&T popularization; National record of animals; Exchange of students; Low cost housing; Biotechnology.
  • Agreement signed on 8 March 2005.
  • Areas of interest: Minerals research; Mining technology; Geological mapping techniques; Laser technology; Metrology; Biotechnology; Capacity Building in ICT; Geological survey of the Kalahari basin, use of mineral resources; HESS and SKA collaboration.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 14 March 2001.
  • Study of amphibian disease project between North-West University and the University of Benin.
  • Areas of interest: Biotechnology; Materials science; Satellite technology; Environmental science; Specific projects designed for mutual assistance in appropriate policy development, S&T capacity building.
  • Agreement signed on 29 November 2007.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 25 March 2009.
  • Areas of interest: Laser technology and renewable energy.
  • Draft Agreement in final stages of being concluded.
  • Areas of interest: Agricultural research; Animal research; Biotechnology; Industrial research; Information technology; Engineering and mining; Leather technology and products; Small and medium enterprises.
  • Agreement signed in February 1999.
  • Tunisia has submitted a new S&T draft agreement for comment.
  • Areas of interest: Agricultural research; Biotechnology; Renewable energy; Laser technology; Nuclear technology; S&T policy; Intellectual Property.
  • Agreement signed on 16 April 2009.
  • Agreement signed on 13 December 2007.
  • Agreement signed on 29 November 2007.

International Bilateral Cooperation Agreements

  • Science and Technology (S&T) Agreement signed on 16 May 2006.
  • Areas of cooperation initially on the Agreement: Agriculture and livestock, Social and Human Sciences, Information Technology, Mining, Industry and Geology and other areas of interest. Additional areas of interest: Hydrogen Economy, Energy, Resource-based Industry, Polar Research, Astronomy and Space, Fishing and Marine Resources, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Water and Earth observation.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 18 October 2006.
  • Science and Technology (S&T) Agreement signed in 2015.
  • Austria panel review meeting was held at the NRF and launching workshop will be in Austria in February 2017.
  • The new research call was closed at the end of May 2016 and the adjudication process sat at the NRF in July 2016. The call is funded for two years (2017-2018) with twenty mobility projects, supporting the areas in Biotechnology, Energy, Agriculture, ICT and Mining.
  • General Agreement signed on 30 April 2003.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 22 November 2002.
  • Cooperation on areas such as biotechnology, laser technology, minerals and metallurgy and pharmaceuticals.
  • Cooperation arrangement between Mintek and Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry (IPOC) in Belarus for the co-operative development of ion exchange fibre (IXF) processes for metallurgical applications.
  • Letter of Intent signed on 5 June 1995.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 29 March 2001.
  • Programme of Cooperation (POC) signed in November 2002.
  • Cooperation on areas such as Biotechnology and ICT.
  • General Agreement signed on 19 November 1996.
  • General Agreement signed on 28 October 1996.
  • Cooperation on areas such as Biotechnology, Plant pathology, Environmental Research and Ecology, Statistical Modeling, Biochemistry, Agriculture and Food Production.
  • General Agreement signed on 4 November 1994. Agreement renewed on 28 February 2008.
  • SA-France-Senegal trilateral cooperation on laser technology from 2005.
  • Nature of cooperation activities: Joint Call and Student exchange programme.
  • Thematic focus areas: Engineering science and advancement of technologies, the use of natural resources, medical research and public health, and social and political science.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 12 June 1996.
  • Nature of cooperation activities: Joint Calls, Year of Science, and Workshops.
  • Thematic focus areas: Biotechnology, Health, Natural Resources, and Astronomy.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 31 October 2006.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 24 November 1997.
  • Cooperation on areas such as Materials Science, Manufacturing Technology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Systems, Sustainable Management of Environmental Issues and of Natural Resources, Exploitation of Natural Resources and Minerals.
  • S&T Agreement and POC signed on 19 July 1995.
  • Cooperation on areas such as Agricultural and Rural Development, Basic Sciences, including Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Astrophysics, Biotechnology, Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Energy, including Renewable Energy Resources, Food S&T and Food Processing, Health, Information Science and Software Development, Manufacturing Technology and Engineering Sciences, Micro-electronics and Communications, Mineral.
  • India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) trilateral agreement signed October 2004.
  • MoU signed 22 August 2005.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 31 May 2000.
  • POC signed on 2 May 2002.
  • Cooperation on areas such as Human Research Development, New Materials, Mining and rock engineering, Satellite projects to develop human resources, Gas-to-liquid conversion and malaria research.
  • Joint Committee of Cooperation Agreement signed on 8 September 1995.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 16 Jan 1998.
  • Nature of cooperation activities: Joint Calls.
  • Thematic focus areas: Biotechnology, Medicine, Health, Social sciences, Nanotechnology, New Advance-materials, ICT, Environment, and Radio astronomy.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 28 August 2003.
  • A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on economic, scientific and cultural cooperation signed on 2 September 2003.
  • General Agreement signed on 23 September 1998.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 29 May 2002.
  • Nature of cooperation activities: SANCOOP, Phase II, Phase I, Workshops.
  • Thematic focus areas: Environment, Climate changes, and Clean energy.
  • General Agreement signed on 30 September 1996.
  • S&T Agreement signed in 12 March 2007.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 9 March 1999.
  • S&T Agreement and Programme of Cooperation signed on 16 January 1999.
  • Cooperation on areas such as Biotechnology (Agriculture), Social Sciences, Satellite and Space Technology, New Materials and Indigenous Technologies.
  • Institution to institution agreement between the National Zoo of Peru and that of South Africa on the exchange of species.
  • Agreement signed on 25 November 1999. Agreement renewed in November 2004. The status is currently not active, a new call is being negotiated.
  • Nature of cooperation activities: Joint calls and SALT.
  • Thematic focus areas: Astronomy, Natural sciences, Energy, Innovation, and Advance manufacturing.
  • Negotiations on S&T Agreement have been finalised. The agreement is ready to be signed and it is envisaged that it will be signed December 2007.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 24 February 2004.
  • Cooperation on areas such as Biotechnology, ICT, Nanotechnology, Design, Nuclear Technologies.
  • MoU signed on 3 November 2006.
  • MoU signed by the National Research Foundation (NRF) and Korea Science & Engineering Foundation (KOSEF).
  • S&T Agreement signed on 15 September 2004.
  • Nature of cooperation activities: Joint Call
  • Thematic focus areas: Biotechnology, Climate change, Energy, Applied physics, Human Sciences, ICT
  • S&T Agreement signed on 13 June 1995.
  • Agreement for the Peaceful Use of Outer Space was signed in September 2006.
  • Nature of cooperation activities: Joint Calls, Student Exchange Programme, Workshops.
  • Thematic focus areas: Space, Nuclear Research, Human Capital Development, High Performance Computing, Basic Research, Nanotechnology and Biotechnology.
  • Agreement signed on 25 February 2009.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 15 May 2006.
  • Will sign the S&T Agreement on 29 June 2007 in South Africa.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 12 May 2003.
  • Cooperation on areas such as Human Resource Development, Advanced manufacturing, Innovation (projects and grants, mining and energy), Biotechnology, and ICT.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 23 November 1999.
  • Nature of cooperation activities: Joint Calls and Workshops.
  • Thematic focus areas: All areas of science.
  • Letter of Intent signed on 5 November 2004.
  • MoU signed on 28 June 2005.
  • Signing of S&T Agreement in November 2007.
  • Nature of cooperation activities: Joint Calls, Student Exchange Programme, Research chairs, and Workshops.
  • Thematic focus areas: Public Health, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Biomedicine, Human and Social Sciences.
  • S&T Cooperation integrated into the General Agreement signed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 27 February 1995.
  • Agreement on networking of scientists and the Letter of Intent on foot and mouth diseases and other animal diseases signed on 5 December 2002.
  • Newton Fund agreement signed in September 2014.
  • Nature of cooperation activities: Joint Call and Workshops.
  • Thematic focus areas: Astronomy and Space, Biosciences, Renewable energy, and Health research.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 28 November 1998.
  • S&T Agreement signed on 05 December 1995.
  • Special projects or collaboration with US Weather Services, NASA, and on GEO.
  • Cooperation on areas such as S&T capacity building, agriculture, environmental issues, health, mathematics and science education and climate variation protection.