Posted: 2 June 2024

At SMART our aim is to promote collaborative, international & close-to-market R&D&I projects.

As a Eureka Cluster, SMART is grounded in Europe and open to worldwide participants from the Eureka Network.

Manufacturing is a vital sector worldwide, fundamental for the development towards a competitive sustainable globalization. Advanced manufacturing is strongly addressed in most political agendas as a key enabler that will lead society towards a higher industrial competitiveness, sustainable growth and job creation.

SMART’s mission is to boost the competitiveness, growth and attractiveness of the discrete manufacturing industries through the promotion of R&D&I in an open community of industrial organisations: large industries, SMEs, associations; RTOs and academia.

SMART will open a call for organisations collaborating internationally on the R&D of advanced manufacturing projects on 16 September 2024 with a deadline of 2 June 2025 for applications. By applying and participating, your organisation can access national public funding for your R&D project.

➔ View all the information regarding the upcoming call.


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