Posted: 13 June 2024

This Eureka call is for R&D and innovation projects in the field of disaster resilience, response and recovery.

Collaborative international R&D, innovation and technology development projects can help society prepare for, respond to and recover from different kinds of disasters.

R&D and innovation products and solutions can save life, prevent or limit environmental catastrophes and help society prepare for a future where climate change is expected to increase the frequency and scale of many kinds of disasters.

Disaster types covered

  • ‘Man-made’, including widespread destruction resulting from conflict and war, urban fires and industrial accidents of various kinds.
  • ‘Natural’, including avalanche, flooding, extreme cold and hot weather, drought, earthquake, storms, volcanic activity and wildfire.

13 June 2024 at 10:00 CET: Call for projects opens
13 June 2024 at 16:30-17:30 EEST: Launch event at the Global Innovation Summit
31 October 2024 at 23:59 CET: Deadline
November 2024 to January 2024: National evaluation
February 2025: Consensus meeting
March-April 2025: National funding procedures
May-June 2025: Projects start

Eligibility rules in South Africa (Department of Science and Innovation)

Potential applicants must inform your national contact in South Africa of your interest to submit a proposal, and share the project outline six (6) weeks before submitting the project.

To be considered for national funding, applicants will be required to submit a national funding application form to the DSI within seven (7) days of closing date of the call. The application from will be forwarded to applicants after the first meeting with the DSI.

Funding is available to registered companies and SMEs as per South African definition. Science councils and higher education institutions are also eligible to apply and should collaborate with SMEs as partners. Projects are to be led by SMEs. The DSI will prioritise funding to SMEs and project teams with blacks, women and young innovators/scientists as part of the South African transformative targets.

Eligible costs and funding rates: Each project will go through a financial negotiation process with the DSI to finalise the exact percentage of funding. The funding will be transferred in tranches in accordance with the project duration. Co-funding between the South African participants and the DSI will be:

SMEs – up to 75%
Science councils and universities – up to 80%
Large companies – up to 50%

➔ View all the information regarding the call.


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